Blog 4 - Videos, Posters, and More!
Hi all, last week was interesting for me to say the least. I've been working on the next installations of "All the Nodes" and a few extra projects that I've wanted to start for a good long while! I know I said in the March Post that I'd be making the Game of Life Tutorial and the next All the Nodes video, but I had a sudden stroke of inspiration and made a short video explaining how to make replacements for the Transform Geometry Node. I think this works well as an intermediary video in "All the Nodes" so the next video will FINALLY be the Game of Life Tutorial!
Also, I've been thinking about the next "All the Nodes" video, and initially I wanted to make it about mesh nodes but I've since learned there's a lot to mesh nodes that I don't fully understand yet. To help with this, and give myself more time to research mesh nodes, the next full Nodes video will be on Curve Nodes. I really like curves in general, and while there's still a lot to talk about with curves, we won't have as much topology to worry about. I hope.
This week my plan is to get the Game of Life Tutorial made and start making shorts again. Personally I have a love / hate relationship with shorts, but I do have a lot of ideas for quick tips and things that would fit short-form content well. This is also driven by the fact that it's good to have a presence on multiple platforms as a creator, so with minor adjustments I can post short form content on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram (because everything's just converging on TikToks I guess). Obviously that's not new, but it still feels weird to me regardless.
Last week I also made a series of posters. Along with making videos and working in Blender, I also want to maintain my own 2d Art and build up my portfolio. I really enjoy drawing and creating posters, so I recreated a lost collection of mine from 4 years ago. I'll be uploading a video on those soon so be sure to check that out if you're interested!
That's all for this one! Thanks you so much for checking out my work on Patreon, and I'll see you in the next one!
Imported from Patreon. Original Post date: Mar 11, 2024