Blog 6 - New Nodes and New (Work) Flows

My Home Studio, March 2024

Blender 4.1 Release Candidate

This week I uploaded a video on Blender 4.1, and naturally I missed a few things. Thank you to everyone who spotted those missing features, and I'll be covering them again in the future as I continue to research and share my findings on Geometry Nodes.

One thing in particular that I can't believe I missed is the new Black Body Node! This new node converts a temperature value in Kelvin into an RGB Color value. The idea is that you can use real world temperature data to drive the look of simulations! This has been available in other parts of Blender, but now we get to play with it in Geometry Nodes! Sorry I missed that one. It would've been fun to talk about, but I'll get it next time!

Changes and Plans!

As per usual I have far too many ideas and plans that I want to execute on than is humanly possible. So this week I've been spending a lot of time on project planning and streamlining my creation process. This is still in the works, but soon I'll be rolling out more videos and content on the payed tiers (yes plural) so that you guys can see more of what I have planned and what's in progress! I know that sounds vague, but I don't want to give too much away because I've got a lot planned that I'm really excited about!


In line with streamlining video production, I only just yesterday learned about MOGRT files and as a professional video editor I'm feeling fairly foolish for not learning about them sooner. For anyone who's not aware (like me just 24 hours ago !!!), MOtion GRaphic Templates let you make dynamic templates to streamline effects in Premiere Pro (and other Adobe Software probably but I only care about Premiere right now). These files can be made in either Premiere (I think) or After Effects which is HUGE! I have a lot of experience using AE, and I love making motion graphics in it, but for general editing it's wildly inefficient. So I've had to resort to cheaper editing techniques in order to just get the content I make out at a fast pace. Now, with MOGRTs, I can finally set up graphics that are at the level of polish that I want and can easily be modified and incorporated into my Premiere Pro workflow!

I can't tell you just how happy this makes me! I've made a couple of files so far that fit what I've made in previous videos and I'm sure I'll continue to make more. So look forward to cleaner more beautiful videos in the near future!

I debated making a video talking about this, but I know my audience is pretty Blender focused. That's why I'm telling you all here, because I want to share this knowledge but I fear the algorithm will smite me for straying too far out of my lane.

Thank You!

Thanks again for being here on Patreon! It means a lot to me, and I'll be uploading more soon, so stay tuned for that. Have a great week, and I'll see you in that next one!

  • Imported from Patreon. Original Post date: Mar 22, 2024


Blog 7 - Can't see the Art for the Tech


Blog 5 - Blender 4.1, New Recording Setup, and More!