Blog 1 - Where to Begin?
Hi all, it's been a busy week. Every week is a busy week, but I've started really trying to push myself lately to get a video out every week.
On top of that, I laid out a lot of work ahead of myself this week, and I'm very much still in the thick of it. It's been a struggle, but a good struggle? I finally got the updated video on making the Platonic Solids ( out, which has been a goal of mine for months. I learned very shortly after posting the original Solids video that I made the platonic solids in a very obtuse fashion, and I've wanted to correct that ever since.
I've also been working really hard on the next installation of "All the Nodes" which has so far gone well. It's just been taking a lot more time than anticipated. That should wrap up today, or more likely tomorrow, and it should be out on Monday! So stay tuned for that. I've learned I really need to rework how I've been making those videos so that they don't take as much time without dropping quality. That series has been taking up the majority of my time because I don't want to skimp on any information, but there's a lot to parse through. Once I streamline things though I should have some more breathing room!
And finally I've been working on the 1000 Subscribers Special! I can't reveal anything yet, just know that it's going to be interesting, and I'm excited to share it with you all! It has taken up a lot of time as well because this project is not something I've done before, and it's a much bigger technical challenge than I've shared with you all to date. Needless to say, there have been multiple late nights this week for myself and my friend who's been helping with a lot of the back end infrastructure.
I know I don't have to do a subscriber special, but I'd like to celebrate that milestone because it's something that I've been working toward for a while now. I honestly don't think it's healthy as a creator to put too much weight on things like subscriber milestones and the like, since that's not within my control. However, this one I've been working toward because it's an easy metric to measure and it fairly directly shows me whether people are interested in the things I have to share or not. So now that that's been achieved I'll be focusing a lot more on the content. Both quantity and quality. It's not that I haven't been focusing on those, but I'll be using them to set goals and measure success going forward since I have full control of the quality and quantity of my content.
I'll still be celebrating milestones, but as a creator I'd rather measure my success by the things I have control of rather than outside forces than can shift with the wind.
Anyway, that's been my week. Thank you so much for being here on Patreon, and have a great weekend!
Imported from Patreon. Original Post date: Feb 4, 2024