Blog 2 - Quick Change of Plans...

Hi all, I've been especially hard at work because I'll be away over the weekend.

Since I've been letting work bleed into the weekend a lot lately, and I've been trying to maintain a weekly upload schedule, I've had several late night trying to get the last Nodes video out AND the video for this coming Monday.

So since I've had less time to do everything I've changed my plan a bit. I made a Plexus tutorial instead of the Game of Life tutorial.

I hope you all like it when it comes out, and I've uploaded the project files on my shop! Be sure to check that out!

That's all I've got for now, largely because I need to hop on a flight! So I'll see you all in the next one.

  • Imported from Patreon. Original Post date: Feb 16, 2024


Blog 3 - Covid


Blog 1 - Where to Begin?