Blog 9 - Big Moves and Bigger Plans

Hi all, I don't have a ton to report on this week. I've been wrapping up a couple of videos that'll be out soon, and that along with the prospect of moving looming over me everything else has ground to a halt. Somewhat unfortunate given the hot streak I was on last week!

All The Nodes Update

One thing that hasn't stopped (even if it feels like it) is my progress on All The Nodes. It's been a while since I last made a video in that series, and unfortunately it's going to be a little longer.... This is in part because of the move, but also because I want to make better content for you all! As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm working on a system to animate nodes for better graphics. That, along with a few other things, will really help me to communicate how nodes work and the best ways to use them.

Additionally, my new place will have a lot more space for me to set up a proper studio! No longer will it take me 3+ hours to set up a green screen, because it'll already be up! I know I don't have to green screen my videos, but it's something I enjoy doing and I think helps make my videos more interesting and stand out from the crowd.

Now all of that is fairly superfluous. Which is why I've also been doing a lot of research in the mean time so that I can sit down and get a bunch of these done all at once! That's something I've wanted to do for a long time now, and I'm getting close to being able to finish up a number of projects, so I can move on to the next big thing....

The Next Big Thing...

I've mentioned a few times that I've got something cooking in the background, and it's finally time I get some feed back from all of you.

I've been slowly (but surely) working on a Speculative Biology project for a while now, and I'd like to start actively working on it and making videos dedicated to its development. For those of you not familiar, speculative biology is the practice of speculating what life would do in fictitious scenarios. Some of the most famous examples are The Future is Wild or James Cameron's Avatar, but really anything that explores how life would evolve in different scenarios (even if it's just to make a more grounded alien monster to fight) could be considered Speculative Biology or Speculative Evolution.

Currently I'm thinking about making an additional tier here that gets bonus content to share the details of this project, but I'd like to hear your thoughts! Would you be interested in this sort of content? I'll make a poll to get better data, but it'd help me a lot if you could leave a comment on this blog post it would really help me out!

That's all for this one! A little lighter this week, but that's just life. Have a good week, and I'll see you in the next one!

  • Imported from Patreon. Original Post date: Apr 13, 2024


Blog 10 - Big Moves, Continued


Blog 8 - Not Nodes, Modifiers.